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A successful team


But what are the necessary ingredients for a successful project?

Just as a computer system is composed of hardware and software in order to be able to work in this way also a well-structured project needs 2 fundamental elements: on the one hand the method and the tools (problem solving based on A3 and value stream mapping) and on the other the people and their behaviors. It is easier to connect a competence or a tool to a result but much more difficult and less intuitive to see the connection between attitude and result and therefore difficult to manage and much more likely to be neglected especially at the beginning of a project where you have to overcome the inertia and create commitment and motivation.

One of the difficult tasks of the team leader is to create a team that, although it is advisable to have a diversified know-how and skills (cross-functional team), is motivated and cohesive, gaining endorsement between the organization.

There is no a unique method to achieve this but the experience can help: feel part of a “special” group, having therefore a common goal and the support of top management through dedicated kick-offs; all members must feel on an equal level of knowledge of the subject, perhaps holding preparatory meetings of alignment; be able to listen to the single person within the team by never trivialising the proposals made and not reproach never in group but privately; motivate in difficult times; organicity and clarity, that means the systematic use of the methodology to address the various phases of the project, from the analysis of the problem to the execution of the plan, and clear communication of tasks and objectives.

These are some actions that can be put in place to change an attitude, stimulating proactive behaviors and positive thinking that are a necessary condition for starting, but also lead a project to the end in the best way.

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