Federica Morsiani is the winner of the "Leader? Do it!" Scholarship
The “Leader? Do it " project is the result of our collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia: the students attended a course with the presence of some Comer Industries professionals aimed at learning about the application of the Lean methodology and learning techniques and strategic planning tools to create efficient processes and excellent organizational models.
Federica, 25, distinguished herself for the participation and the results achieved in the tests of the training course, for her communication skills, the passion and tenacity she showed throughout the duration of the course.
The closing event of the project took place today in the “via Fermi” plant. The Vice President Cristian Storchi, after thanking the students for their participation, rewarded Federica.
Matteo Bernardelli, the winner of the 2019 edition, metaphorically passed the baton of her experience in Comer Industries to Federica.
"The encounter between the academic world and the world of work – underlines Cristian Storchi – places the emphasis on the transfer of know-how and technical skills. This time we did it through a completely digital approach that guaranteed the quality of the training course ".