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What awaits Gabriele Burani, attending the second year of Management Engineering master degree at the University of Reggio Emilia, is a major challenge. He will be asked to implement what he has learned in the lessons and workshops on the Lean Organization, which took place between April and June, within "La Borsa per Partire" internship, the initiative organized by Comer Industries for the students of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

Gabriele was the best student of this edition. In particular, he stood out for the brilliant results achieved in the test, for the participation, communicative skills and passion demonstrated during the three workshop days.

Today, CEO Matteo Storchi delivered him the award Comer Industries has dedicated to Oscar Storchi, which represents the tool created by the company to dialogue with the university world.

Good luck to Gabriele for the internship that awaits him, and welcome to Comer Industries.

What awaits Gabriele Burani, attending the second year of Management Engineering master degree at the University of Reggio Emilia, is a major challenge. He will be asked to implement what he has learned in the lessons and workshops on the Lean Organization, which took place between April and June, within "La Borsa per Partire" internship, the initiative organized by Comer Industries for the students of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

Gabriele was the best student of this edition. In particular, he stood out for the brilliant results achieved in the test, for the participation, communicative skills and passion demonstrated during the three workshop days.

Today, CEO Matteo Storchi delivered him the award Comer Industries has dedicated to Oscar Storchi, which represents the tool created by the company to dialogue with the university world.

Good luck to Gabriele for the internship that awaits him, and welcome to Comer Industries.

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