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Goals 7 and 12: manage the energy consumption effectively and efficiently


The purpose is to significantly increase the share of renewable energies in global energy and to obtain a doubling of the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency.

Among the various targets of goal 7 there is to expand the infrastructure system and update the technology for the supply of sustainable energy services

Goal 12, on the other hand, aims to ensure sustainable consumption and production models. During 2019, at Comer Industries we identified specific KPIs for the monitoring of energy consumption, defining ad hoc objectives for all operational offices in the world.

Trough the development of annual plans we improved the energy efficiency of production plants, for instance trough the efficiency of the lightening system.

Thanks to the photovoltaic systems in our Reggiolo Plants, the 20% of the energy consumed in Italy by Comer Industries comes from renewable sources. This percentage is expected to increase with the installation of a new photovoltaic system scheduled for 2020 in our Matera plant.

This intervention will lead to a reduction of CO2 emissions of 285 tons per year, an amount that is comparable to the CO2 that approximately 30,000 trees can absorb in a year.

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