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The 2023 awards for our people


Today the President & CEO, Matteo Storchi, awarded some of the colleagues who, in 2023, have distinguished themselves for their commitment and dedication in carrying out projects of strategic value for the whole Group, and who have adopted the behaviors that best reflect our corporate values.

An event that involved people from different locations around the world. A very official award ceremony, attended in person and remotely not only by the awarded colleagues, but also by the entire Executive Team.

Watch the highlights video.

Focus on people: Christian Bienen (Manufacturing Engineer – Industrial), Lohmar.
Teamwork: Shannon Ptaszek (Production Planner Team Leader – Industrial ), Rockford.
Commitment to stakeholders: Wolfgang Lemser (VP Aftermarket & Services – AMS), Lohmar.
Honesty and transparency: Sabrina Pedrulini (Training Specialist – Brand & Integration), Reggiolo.
Courage and passion: Felix Zhou (Plant Logist Manager – Industrial), China.
Project: China consolidation plant
People: Mattia Lugli, Luca Gasparri, Donald Huang, Ying Huang, Paul Lu, Jerome Ren, Snow Xue, Louisa Yuan, Pietro Zamboni, Evelyn Zhang, Felix Zhou.
Plant: Jiaxing, China.
Project: S 228 Line Balancing
People: Manjunath Thimmarayappa, Praveen Kalal, Chethan Konkodi.
Plant: Bangalore, India.
Project: Workplace organization 238 Axle line
People: Pietro Zamboni, Penghui Gao, Paul Lu, Dong Xu, Felix Zhou.
Plant: Jiaxing, China.
Project: Workplace organization step 1-3 on segment 1648
People: Jörn Lenzewski, Jörg Harnisch, Tim Hillmann, Stefan Marschner, Jens Rosner, Nico Schettler, Rico Wenke.
Plant: Sohland, Germany.
Project: Workplace organization step 1-3 on TAS assembly
People: Viktor Stückel, Andre Kläsper, Leon Harms, Carlos Oliveira, Günther Stallbaum.
Plant: Lohmar, Germany.
Project: TOC painting line industrial
People: Mario Duro, Marco Ghirardelli, Alessandro Maiorano, Giuseppe Monachino, Jujhar Singh, Marco Veneri.
Plant: Reggiolo, Italy.
Project: CNH new generation combines gearboxes and driveshafts
People: Garuti Matteo, Gozzi Fabio, Angeli Marco, Carstensen Bernd, Bogni Michele, Calzolari Marco, Crotti Stefano, Foroni Federico, Gualdi Marco, Hannes Oberparleiter, Kyle Perry, Messora Davide, Pozzetti Luca, Reggiani Giacomo, Rosati Pamela, Rubino Antonio, Salardi Mattia, Saletti Andrea, Simone Stefano, Tascarella Marco.

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