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The change that (does not) scare


In 8 days, the UK subsidiary has completely changed face and the result has been appreciated by our suppliers and customers.

The peculiarity of the activity is that it was coordinated remotely, and this required a good amount of planning (people, equipment and material).

Many were the activities of 5S carried out as well as the results obtained: rationalization of layouts and workstations, reduction of not value-added activities (MUDA) and high variability activities (MURA), optimization of spaces and storage of materials, increase of safety and quality standards of operations carried out. Just think that over 1000 kg among wood, plastic, paper and metal have been disposed of.

The key issue that guaranteed the success of the activity was the great preparation of the Italian colleagues who carried out the activity and the application of the concept of NEMAWASHI, which in lean terms takes the meaning of “lay the groundwork” for the change, through an invisible process that aims to support people, give advice, work together with them, make them protagonists of their change and that has allowed to change an initial scepticism and distrust, in an attitude of sharing, enthusiasm and sustaining of the improvement.

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