The respect for human rights in all areas where it operates is a founding principle for Comer Industries that goes beyond mere compliance with the law and permeates the company’s ethics and practices. The company’s commitment is expressed within the Human Rights Policy and the Code of Conduct, reflecting the principles of the international standards the Group adheres to, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Ten Principles of the Global Compact.
The Group ensures the physical and moral integrity of its employees, working conditions that respect individual dignity, and safe and healthy work environments. Requests or threats aimed at inducing people to act against the law and the Code of Conduct or to adopt behaviors harmful to the moral and personal beliefs and preferences of each individual are not tolerated.
Generating a positive impact for the economic, social, and cultural development of the regions where Comer Industries operates is a priority for the company, fuelled by the awareness of having an important responsibility towards the planet and its resources, which must be preserved and enhanced.
In continuity with the company’s Purpose and in line with the Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations, Comer Industries is committed to supporting and carrying out various initiatives to support the areas it believes in the most: from education to innovation, from environmental sustainability to creating opportunities for its employees and future generations.
Global Goals
An important responsibility towards the environment and the society. The courage to take on a strong commitment, starting from adherence to the Global Goals for the sustainable development. The ambition to leave our positive mark and to create something new, making “bright” the world around us. The promise we make to ourselves and to the environment in which we act.
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